Assalamualiakum Brother and Sister,
Just 2 week left for your final, therefore this is the time you should put all your effort in and hope for the best. Remember it does not matter how hard you study but if you dont pray to Allah you will never achieve His statisfaction which is the most important in our life. So dont put your studies ahead of your religion. Allah only help those who help themselves, therefore without effort dont hope for a great result.
Good luck, and may Allah bless us all, with our upcoming examination
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Introduction To Riba
When the poor are permanently poor, and the rich, permanently rich, that is oppression! All around the world today that economic oppression exists, and is constantly increasing, - the poor grow poorer and the rich, richer. Riba is the cause. A predatory global elite, centered in the West, but also present around the world, is constantly sucking the wealth of mankind and impoverishing the masses through riba. Their ultimate objective is to utterly enslave all of mankind in a new sophisticated slavery. Political, legislative, judicial and legal systems, the media etc., are all created by the oppressor, and all function to preserve the system of economic oppression. Allah, the Most High, has strictly prohibited riba. Yet the world today, including the Muslim world, is saturated with riba. This has confirmed the ominous prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (s) who prophesied, in a hadith received from Abu Hurairah (ra), the following:
There will come a time, he said, when you will not be able to find a single person in the world who will not be consuming riba. And if anyone claims that he is not consuming riba then surely the vapor of riba (In another text the dust of riba) will reach him. (Abu Daud, Mishkat)
What is riba? Why it was prohibited? What is the logic behind that? What types of interest has Islam prohibited? What should we do about this state of affairs?
Dealing with riba (usury or interest) has spread widely among many Muslims today; to the point that many Muslims do not see any problem with it, either because of lack of knowledge or absent-mindedness. Despite the fact that all Muslim scholars agree that dealing with riba (usury or interest) is a major sin because the prophet (S.A.W.) mentioned explicitly in a hadith reported by Imam Bukhari and Muslim, "Avoid the seven destructive sins", then he mentioned one of them as, "and dealing with riba (usury or interest)"
Muslims are very particular about Halal and Haram. The confusion, whether interest is same as usury (Riba) or not, needs a clarification for good. This is a historic fact that usury has been prohibited in all original texts of Torah, Bible and Qur'aan.
However, practically, Usury or interest is same as a guarantied return to the lender regardless the borrower makes a profit or not. The Islamic view is truly just and humanitarian. It requires a lender to participate in the profit as well as loss of the borrower if any. From Shariah point of view, interest is Riba and it is Haram.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Pre-reg ---- Stress,Happy,Grateful??
Assalamualaikum readers,
Pre-reg for couses have open to all IIUM students today. So hopefully by now you know whether youre taking short sem or not, as the last batch for those "pre-regers' meaning first year student has completed their pre-reg. Dont be disappointed if you did not get the subjects you want, as you must remember there all always people below you, who did not even have the chance to further their studies. Just pray to Allah that everything will be in place as He is the Master of all Planners. May Allah bless us always. Amin
Pre-reg for couses have open to all IIUM students today. So hopefully by now you know whether youre taking short sem or not, as the last batch for those "pre-regers' meaning first year student has completed their pre-reg. Dont be disappointed if you did not get the subjects you want, as you must remember there all always people below you, who did not even have the chance to further their studies. Just pray to Allah that everything will be in place as He is the Master of all Planners. May Allah bless us always. Amin
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Economic System of Islam
Islam is an entire way of life, and Allah's Guidance extends into all areas of our lives. Islam has given detailed regulations for our economic life, which is balanced and fair. Muslims are to recognize that wealth, earnings, and material goods are the property of God, and that we are merely His trustees. The principles of Islam aim at establishing a just society wherein everyone will behave responsibly and honestly. The fundamental principles of the Islamic economic system are as follows:
- Muslims are not to deal in interest. "Those who devour usury will not stand....Allah has permitted trade and forbidden usury.... Allah will deprive usury of all blessing, but will give increase for deeds of charity..." (Qur'an 2:275-6). "O you who believe! Devour not usury, doubled and multiplied. But fear Allah, that you may really prosper" (Qur'an 3:130) This prohibition is for all interest-based transactions, whether giving or receiving, whether dealing with Muslims or non-Muslims. It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) cursed those who pay interest, those who receive it, those who write a contract based on it, and those who witness such a contract.
- It is forbidden to gain property or wealth by fraud, deceit, theft, or other falsehoods. "...Give just measure and weight, and do not withhold from people the things that are their due. And do not do mischief on the earth after it has been set in order. That will be best for you, if you have faith" (Qur'an 7:85).
- It is particularly hateful for a guardian to take from an orphan's property. "To orphans restore their property (when they reach their age). Do not substitute your worthless things for their good ones, and do not devour their property by mixing it up with your own. For this is indeed a great sin" (Qur'an 4:2).
- Forbidden are earnings from gambling, lotteries, and the production, sale, and distribution of alcohol. "O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, sacrificing to stones, and divination by arrows are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Eschew such abomination, that you may prosper" (Qur'an 5:90).
- It is unlawful to hoard food and other basic necessities. Everyone should take what they need and no more. "And let those who covetously withhold of the gifts which Allah has given them of His Grace, think that it is good for them. No, it will be the worse for them. Soon it will tied to their necks like a twisted collar, on the Day of Judgment. To Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do" (Qur'an 3:180).
- A Muslim should be responsible in spending money. Extravagance and waste are strongly discouraged. "[The Servants of Allah are] Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and not stingy, but hold a just balance between those extremes" (Qur'an 25:67). "O Children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer. Eat and drink, but waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters" (Qur'an 7:31).
- Muslims must pay Zakat (alms). "And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion, being true in faith. To establish regular prayer, and to give zakat. And that is the religion right and straight" (Qur'an 98:5). Every Muslim who owns wealth, more than a certain amount to meet his or her needs, must pay a fixed rate of Zakat to those in need. Zakat is a means of narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, and to make sure that everyone's needs are met.
- Muslims are encouraged to give constantly in charity. "Your riches and your children may be but a trial. Whereas Allah, with Him is the highest reward. So fear Allah as much as you can, listen and obey, and spend in charity for the benefit of your own souls. And those saved from the selfishness of their own souls, they are the ones that achieve prosperity" (Qur'an 64:15-16). The Prophet Muhammad once said that "nobody's assets are reduced by charity."
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Oil pressure rising
A MONTH ago Brent crude oil stood at around $96 a barrel and Hosni Mubarak was ensconced as Egypt’s ruler. Now he is gone, overthrown by a display of people power that is shaking autocratic leaders across north Africa and the Middle East. And oil has surged above $111. Little wonder. The region provides 35% of the world’s oil. Libya, the scene of growing violence this week, produces 1.7m of the world’s 88m barrels a day (b/d).So far prices have not been pushed up by actual disruptions to supply. Oil hit a peak even before news emerged that some foreign oil companies operating in Libya would stop some production and that the country’s ports had temporarily closed. As Adam Sieminski of Deutsche Bank points out, oil prices are driven both by current conditions and by future expectations.
Oil markets don’t like surprises. The sudden ousting of Mr Mubarak and the unrest in Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Iran and Algeria (which between them supply a tenth of the world’s oil) have added 16% to oil prices. But the big worry is that spreading unrest will culminate in another shock akin to the oil embargo of 1973, the Iranian revolution or Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.
Oil is more global than it was during those previous crises. In the 1970s production was concentrated around the Persian Gulf. Since then a gusher of non-OPEC oil has hit markets from fields in Latin America, west Africa and beyond. Russia overtook Saudi Arabia as the world’s biggest crude supplier in 2009; OPEC’s share of production has gone from around 54% in the mid-1970s to just over 40% now. Yet the globalisation of oil supply has not diminished OPEC’s clout as the marginal supplier of crude. Markets are tight at the moment. Bumper inventories, built up during the downturn, are running down as the rich world recovers and Asia puts on a remarkable growth spurt. Demand rose by a blistering 2.7m b/d last year, according to the International Energy Agency, and is set to grow by another 1.7m b/d this year by Deutsche Bank’s reckoning. Many other producers are already running at full capacity; OPEC has its hands on the only spare oil (see chart).
If Libya’s oil stopped flowing importers would look to Saudi Arabia to make up the shortfall. The oil could probably flow to fill the gap in Europe, Libya’s main market, in a matter of weeks. OPEC claims that it has 6m b/d on tap but that looks wishful. Analysts think the true number is nearer 4m-5m b/d, with 3m-3.5m b/d in Saudi hands. That is ample to plug a Libyan gap but would hasten the day when growing world demand sucks up all spare production capacity and sends oil prices rocketing. Analysts at Nomura reckon that it would only take a halt of exports from Algeria as well to absorb all the slack and propel oil to a terrifying $220 a barrel.
Despite rising prices, Saudi Arabia has so far been reluctant to turn its stopcocks. OPEC claims that the world is amply supplied with oil and seems content with a price around $100 a barrel. Traders hope that Saudi Arabia will boost production stealthily or that OPEC will call a special meeting to raise quotas and calm markets.
The worst-case scenario for oil prices would be some kind of disruption to Saudi supply itself. That concern has become livelier given the unrest in neighbouring Bahrain. The tiny island kingdom produces little oil but is of vital strategic importance in the Persian Gulf, a seaway that carries 18% of the world’s oil. America’s 5th Fleet, which polices the Gulf against troublemakers (ie, Iran), uses the country as a base.
The Saudis may also fear that protests by Bahrain’s Shia population could spill over their own borders. Saudi Arabia’s eastern provinces are home to both its oil industry and most of its Shias, who may also have cause for grievance with their Sunni rulers. One crumb of comfort is that oil facilities across the region are generally located far from the population centres, where protests tend to be concentrated, and are well defended against anything but a concerted military assault.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Academic's Report
1) scholarship briefing programme
- postpone from 22 jan to 18 feb 2011
- venue - LT1 KENMS
- nature of the programme - basically,we r like to invite companies/institution to send their representatives from their organization as speakers in this programme to give a talk about scholarship available in their organization.
2) intelexplorace [THEME: "stay fit for excellent mind"]
- 24,27,n 28 feb 2011
- 24 feb - Preliminary Stage - 15 teams will be participated (3 persons per team)
- the best 10 teams will be going to the nest stage
- every team will sit to a written test (MCQ about general knowledge)
- 27 feb - Explorace - best 10 teams will be participated in this explorace
- physical strength needed
- iium area
- 28 feb - Wow! Quiz - a final round where the intellectual strength/ability will play a very big role in order for them to be crowned as winners.
- 4 teams out of 10 teams will be competed in this final stage.
- LT1 kenms
- nature of the programme - it is a combination of indoor game and outdoor game.
- postpone from 22 jan to 18 feb 2011
- venue - LT1 KENMS
- nature of the programme - basically,we r like to invite companies/institution to send their representatives from their organization as speakers in this programme to give a talk about scholarship available in their organization.
2) intelexplorace [THEME: "stay fit for excellent mind"]
- 24,27,n 28 feb 2011
- 24 feb - Preliminary Stage - 15 teams will be participated (3 persons per team)
- the best 10 teams will be going to the nest stage
- every team will sit to a written test (MCQ about general knowledge)
- 27 feb - Explorace - best 10 teams will be participated in this explorace
- physical strength needed
- iium area
- 28 feb - Wow! Quiz - a final round where the intellectual strength/ability will play a very big role in order for them to be crowned as winners.
- 4 teams out of 10 teams will be competed in this final stage.
- LT1 kenms
- nature of the programme - it is a combination of indoor game and outdoor game.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,
How was your iman today? Hopefully, it is in a good condition.
Unconsciously, we had undergone four weeks of this semester. Expectantly, we have giving a good move for these four weeks in order to face the remaining weeks of this semester. InsyaAllahu Ta’ala.
This moment, I am glad to have the opportunity here to share with all of you friends about a value that we should make it as a start of our life every day. This kind of action is easy but most of the people feel like this is the hardest attitude to comply with.
So, how do you think it then? What attitude that I am talking about?
Okay, for the clue, here I give you one verse which is related to this puzzle.
"And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it or (at least) return it equally."
(Qur'an, An-Nisa 4:86)
So, how?
Yes, exactly, what I am intentionally wanted to share with all of you here is about the attitude of giving salaam among the Muslim. Everybody knows how to give salaam and such greeting goes “Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh”. It is just a simple word that you can spread it if you meet you friends or any people you see around you. As what I am stated above, some people somehow hard to give salaam among the people around them. As our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in one of the Hadith narrated by Muslim:
"You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another: 'spread salaam' (the greeting of peace) among you." (Muslim)
This hadith shows us how was salaam is important among us as Muslim. In fact, this show us Allah is the Most Gracious, He can easily give us a rewards only by giving salaam but, remember by having a good intention(niyyah).
Furthermore, initiating salaams is considered 'Sunnah' or optional, returning the salaams after it is offered is considered 'wajib' or obligatory, based on the first Qur'anic ayah mentioned
So, from now on, we should start giving salaam among us, regardless of having friend relationship or knowing that people or not. This is one hadith that we should understand it well,
In one Hadith a man asked the Prophet about which aspect of Islam was best. The Prophet replied:
"Feeding the hungry and saying salaam to those you know and those you don't know." (Bukhari and Muslim)
Fake it till you make it, do it until it become your habit.
Hark back the time of Prophet Muhammad and his companions, they always compete with each other who is giving salaam first.
The Prophet said:
"The best of the two persons is the one who begins with salaam." (Related by Nawawi in his book Al-Adkar)
Then another hadith says:
"The Prophet was asked: 'O Messenger of Allah ! When two persons meet with each other, who should take the lead in greeting the other? He answered: 'The one who is closest to Allah." (Tirmithi)
Remember friends, the Prophet said:
"The person closest to Allah is the one who precedes others in greeting." (Abu Dawud)
Lastly, thanks to all of you for lending us some time to read or even have a glace to this writing. Have a nice try and let’s together compete to collect rewards of our good deeds.
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,
How was your iman today? Hopefully, it is in a good condition.
Unconsciously, we had undergone four weeks of this semester. Expectantly, we have giving a good move for these four weeks in order to face the remaining weeks of this semester. InsyaAllahu Ta’ala.
This moment, I am glad to have the opportunity here to share with all of you friends about a value that we should make it as a start of our life every day. This kind of action is easy but most of the people feel like this is the hardest attitude to comply with.
So, how do you think it then? What attitude that I am talking about?
Okay, for the clue, here I give you one verse which is related to this puzzle.
"And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it or (at least) return it equally."
(Qur'an, An-Nisa 4:86)
So, how?
Yes, exactly, what I am intentionally wanted to share with all of you here is about the attitude of giving salaam among the Muslim. Everybody knows how to give salaam and such greeting goes “Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh”. It is just a simple word that you can spread it if you meet you friends or any people you see around you. As what I am stated above, some people somehow hard to give salaam among the people around them. As our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in one of the Hadith narrated by Muslim:
"You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another: 'spread salaam' (the greeting of peace) among you." (Muslim)
This hadith shows us how was salaam is important among us as Muslim. In fact, this show us Allah is the Most Gracious, He can easily give us a rewards only by giving salaam but, remember by having a good intention(niyyah).
Furthermore, initiating salaams is considered 'Sunnah' or optional, returning the salaams after it is offered is considered 'wajib' or obligatory, based on the first Qur'anic ayah mentioned
So, from now on, we should start giving salaam among us, regardless of having friend relationship or knowing that people or not. This is one hadith that we should understand it well,
In one Hadith a man asked the Prophet about which aspect of Islam was best. The Prophet replied:
"Feeding the hungry and saying salaam to those you know and those you don't know." (Bukhari and Muslim)
Fake it till you make it, do it until it become your habit.
Hark back the time of Prophet Muhammad and his companions, they always compete with each other who is giving salaam first.
The Prophet said:
"The best of the two persons is the one who begins with salaam." (Related by Nawawi in his book Al-Adkar)
Then another hadith says:
"The Prophet was asked: 'O Messenger of Allah ! When two persons meet with each other, who should take the lead in greeting the other? He answered: 'The one who is closest to Allah." (Tirmithi)
Remember friends, the Prophet said:
"The person closest to Allah is the one who precedes others in greeting." (Abu Dawud)
Lastly, thanks to all of you for lending us some time to read or even have a glace to this writing. Have a nice try and let’s together compete to collect rewards of our good deeds.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
We Are Very Sorry~~~
To all KENMS communities we r very sorry due to unpublished bulletin for this week..we hope that in the future this will not happen sit still n wait for our return okay... ♥♥♥♥♥ ^-^ ~~
To all KENMS communities we r very sorry due to unpublished bulletin for this week..we hope that in the future this will not happen sit still n wait for our return okay... ♥♥♥♥♥ ^-^ ~~
Monday, January 17, 2011
BPL stars involved in tax dodge?
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Complex tax avoidance schemes are allowing Barclays Premier League footballers to avoid paying the taxman. |
According to reports in the Daily Mail, Premier League stars like Manchester United's Wayne Rooney, Arsenal's Theo Walcott, Manchester City's Gareth Barry and several others are avoiding millions of pounds in taxes, paying as little as two per cent on their earnings.
What these highly-paid stars have reportedly done is set up shell companies, subject to a lower tax rate, to collect their "image rights" payments from their clubs.
However, the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have discovered this loophole, and is demanding that their clubs pay £100 million to cover the difference that their players have avoided in taxes.
According to reports, Red Devil Rooney has dodged almost £600,000 the past two years, while Barry has also profited to the tune of £135,000, as opposed to if he had paid his 40 per cent of due taxes.
Other big-name players involved include Chelsea wing-back Ashley Cole, Manchester United's Rio Ferdinand and Michael Owen.
According to reports, the players have two contracts- one as a player, and the other for "image rights", which are payments for merchandising and shirt sales.
These royalties are paid to their shell companies, which are only liable for 28 per cent corporation tax as opposed to a 50 per cent income tax, and the players then take out loans from their own companies, where they only pay two per cent tax on the sum as it is regarded as a benefit of their ownership.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Khidmat MEPS melalui semua telefon bimbit
MALAYSIAN Electronic Payment System (MEPS), penyedia saluran transaksi antara bank akan memperkenalkan perkhidmatan melalui semua jenis telefon bimbit selewat-lewatnya suku kedua tahun ini.
Pengerusinya, Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar berkata, perkhidmatan berkenaan dijangka memperluaskan lagi jaringan antara semua bank yang menyediakan kemudahan MEPS dan secara tidak langsung memudahkan pelanggan.
“Perkhidmatan ini dijangka menghubungkan semua bank yang mengguna pakai sistem MEPS dan ia juga membabitkan semua penyedia rangkaian telefon bimbit.
“Kami juga menjangkakan perkhidmatan ini tidak hanya terhad kepada pemindahan wang, sebaliknya merangkumi pelbagai kemudahan disediakan bank,” katanya selepas majlis pelancaran Ibu Pejabat MEPS di Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
Hadir sama, Timbalan Gabenor, Bank Negara Malaysia, Datuk Muhammad Ibrahim.
Menurutnya, buat masa ini pihaknya tidak mempunyai sasaran jumlah pelanggan mengguna pakai perkhidmatan itu sebaliknya menjangkakan jumlah pelanggan yang meyakinkan.
“Kami yakin lebih ramai pelanggan mengguna pakai perkhidmatan ini selepas diperkenalkan kelak.
“Situasi ini mungkin sama seperti ketika khidmat SMS mula diperkenalkan. Pada permulaan, SMS hanya boleh dihantar di kalangan pelanggan dari syarikat pengendali yang sama, namun ia terus berkembang selepas perkhidmatan itu diperluaskan kepada semua pengendali rangkaian,” katanya.
Pengerusinya, Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar berkata, perkhidmatan berkenaan dijangka memperluaskan lagi jaringan antara semua bank yang menyediakan kemudahan MEPS dan secara tidak langsung memudahkan pelanggan.
“Perkhidmatan ini dijangka menghubungkan semua bank yang mengguna pakai sistem MEPS dan ia juga membabitkan semua penyedia rangkaian telefon bimbit.
“Kami juga menjangkakan perkhidmatan ini tidak hanya terhad kepada pemindahan wang, sebaliknya merangkumi pelbagai kemudahan disediakan bank,” katanya selepas majlis pelancaran Ibu Pejabat MEPS di Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
Hadir sama, Timbalan Gabenor, Bank Negara Malaysia, Datuk Muhammad Ibrahim.
Menurutnya, buat masa ini pihaknya tidak mempunyai sasaran jumlah pelanggan mengguna pakai perkhidmatan itu sebaliknya menjangkakan jumlah pelanggan yang meyakinkan.
“Kami yakin lebih ramai pelanggan mengguna pakai perkhidmatan ini selepas diperkenalkan kelak.
“Situasi ini mungkin sama seperti ketika khidmat SMS mula diperkenalkan. Pada permulaan, SMS hanya boleh dihantar di kalangan pelanggan dari syarikat pengendali yang sama, namun ia terus berkembang selepas perkhidmatan itu diperluaskan kepada semua pengendali rangkaian,” katanya.
Pengawal keselamatan terima gaji baru akhir bulan ini
KUALA LUMPUR: Lebih daripada 100,000 pengawal keselamatan di negara ini dijangka menerima gaji minimum RM700 pada hujung bulan ini.
Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Datuk Sheikh Yahya Sheikh Mohammed
berkata kerajaan tidak berganjak daripada keputusan bahawa pelaksanaan gaji
minimum itu adalah pada 1 Januari lalu.
Jika ada pengawal keselamatan tidak menerima gaji baru pada 31 Januari ini,
mereka harus bertanya kepada majikan dan membuat laporan kepada Pejabat Tenaga
Kerja berhampiran sekiranya masih tidak ada perubahan selepas itu, katanya
kepada Bernama, di sini hari ini.
Sheikh Yahya berkata jabatan itu berjumpa dengan Persatuan Perkhidmatan Kawalan Keselamatan Malaysia bagi menjelaskan keputusan kerajaan tersebut.
Sementara itu, Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC) menyambut baik keputusan kerajaan tersebut yang seiring dengan salah satu resolusi yang dibuat mereka pada persidangan bulan lalu.
Naib Presidennya A Balasubramaniam berkata resolusi itu meminta kerajaan tidak menangguhkan pelaksanaan keputusan tersebut dan tidak tunduk kepada tekanan daripada majikan.
Di bawah skim gaji baru ini, pengawal keselamatan akan menerima gaji bulanan
sebanyak RM1,200 termasuk upah kerja lebih masa.
Pada masa ini gaji mereka adalah sekitar RM450 hingga RM750 bergantung kepada lokasi mereka bekerja.
Sementara itu, tinjauan rambang Bernama pada kalangan syarikat keselamatan mendapati kebanyakan sudah bersedia melaksanakan skim gaji baru tersebut walaupun 'keberatan'.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Eagle Eye Security K Bahadur berkata syarikatnya akan patuh dengan keputusan kerajaan untuk menaikkan gaji pekerjanya.
"Kami sudahpun menyediakan gaji baru untuk kira-kira 200 pekerja kami," katanya.
Satu lagi majikan yang tidak mahu dikenali berkata syarikatnya tidak mampu untuk menaikkan gaji pekerja, namun akan mematuhi keputusan kerajaan kerana lesen operasi menjadi taruhan.
"Kami harus memperbaharui lesen setiap tahun dan jika kami tidak mematuhi keputusan itu kemungkinan lesen kami tidak akan dapat diperbaharui," katanya. -Bernama
Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Datuk Sheikh Yahya Sheikh Mohammed
berkata kerajaan tidak berganjak daripada keputusan bahawa pelaksanaan gaji
minimum itu adalah pada 1 Januari lalu.
Jika ada pengawal keselamatan tidak menerima gaji baru pada 31 Januari ini,
mereka harus bertanya kepada majikan dan membuat laporan kepada Pejabat Tenaga
Kerja berhampiran sekiranya masih tidak ada perubahan selepas itu, katanya
kepada Bernama, di sini hari ini.
Sheikh Yahya berkata jabatan itu berjumpa dengan Persatuan Perkhidmatan Kawalan Keselamatan Malaysia bagi menjelaskan keputusan kerajaan tersebut.
Sementara itu, Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia (MTUC) menyambut baik keputusan kerajaan tersebut yang seiring dengan salah satu resolusi yang dibuat mereka pada persidangan bulan lalu.
Naib Presidennya A Balasubramaniam berkata resolusi itu meminta kerajaan tidak menangguhkan pelaksanaan keputusan tersebut dan tidak tunduk kepada tekanan daripada majikan.
Di bawah skim gaji baru ini, pengawal keselamatan akan menerima gaji bulanan
sebanyak RM1,200 termasuk upah kerja lebih masa.
Pada masa ini gaji mereka adalah sekitar RM450 hingga RM750 bergantung kepada lokasi mereka bekerja.
Sementara itu, tinjauan rambang Bernama pada kalangan syarikat keselamatan mendapati kebanyakan sudah bersedia melaksanakan skim gaji baru tersebut walaupun 'keberatan'.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Eagle Eye Security K Bahadur berkata syarikatnya akan patuh dengan keputusan kerajaan untuk menaikkan gaji pekerjanya.
"Kami sudahpun menyediakan gaji baru untuk kira-kira 200 pekerja kami," katanya.
Satu lagi majikan yang tidak mahu dikenali berkata syarikatnya tidak mampu untuk menaikkan gaji pekerja, namun akan mematuhi keputusan kerajaan kerana lesen operasi menjadi taruhan.
"Kami harus memperbaharui lesen setiap tahun dan jika kami tidak mematuhi keputusan itu kemungkinan lesen kami tidak akan dapat diperbaharui," katanya. -Bernama
Bekas eksekutif pembelian Proton didakwa terima rasuah
KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang bekas eksekutif pembelian Proton mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen hari ini atas tujuh pertuduhan menerima rasuah membabitkan RM3,028.27 daripada seorang pemilik syarikat perkhidmatan kejuruteraan dan pembekal alat ganti kereta, enam tahun lalu.
Fahmy Ameer Mohd Raf, 36, didakwa melakukan semua kesalahan itu di tingkat 5, Wisma Nusantara, Jalan Puncak, Off Jalan P.Ramlee di sini antara 12 September 2005 hingga 15 Jun 2006.
Mengikut setiap kertas pertuduhan, dia menerima RM432.61 untuk bayaran ansuran keretanya daripada pemilik Syarikat Enrich Ford Sdn Bhd, Mohd Sharid Md Salleh sebagai balasan supaya tidak menghalang syarikat itu mendapatkan kerja daripada Proton.
Dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 10(a)(bb) Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1997 dan boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 16 akta sama yang membawa hukuman maksimum penjara 20 tahun dan denda sekurang-kurangnya lima kali ganda nilai suapan atau RM10,000 mengikut mana lebih tinggi, jika sabit kesalahan.
Hakim Rosbiahanin Ariffin membenarkan Fahmy Ameer diikat jamin RM8,000 dengan seorang penjamin dan menetapkan 11 Februari depan untuk sebutan kes.
Terdahulu, Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Fadzillah Mohd Ossman daripada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia menawarkan jaminan sebanyak RM10,000 dengan seorang penjamin.
Bagaimanapun, peguam Shahrul Nizam Azwir merayu agar jumlah jaminan dikurangkan kepada RM5,000 kerana Fahmy Ameer tidak bekerja.
"Anak guam saya mempunyai seorang anak berumur lima tahun dan isterinya baru sahaja melahirkan anak kedua mereka.
"Isteri kepada anak guam saya juga tidak bekerja dan tertuduh hanya berharap kepada bapanya untuk menjadi penjamin," katanya.
Bapa tertuduh kemudian membayar wang jaminan itu. - Bernama
Fahmy Ameer Mohd Raf, 36, didakwa melakukan semua kesalahan itu di tingkat 5, Wisma Nusantara, Jalan Puncak, Off Jalan P.Ramlee di sini antara 12 September 2005 hingga 15 Jun 2006.
Mengikut setiap kertas pertuduhan, dia menerima RM432.61 untuk bayaran ansuran keretanya daripada pemilik Syarikat Enrich Ford Sdn Bhd, Mohd Sharid Md Salleh sebagai balasan supaya tidak menghalang syarikat itu mendapatkan kerja daripada Proton.
Dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 10(a)(bb) Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1997 dan boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 16 akta sama yang membawa hukuman maksimum penjara 20 tahun dan denda sekurang-kurangnya lima kali ganda nilai suapan atau RM10,000 mengikut mana lebih tinggi, jika sabit kesalahan.
Hakim Rosbiahanin Ariffin membenarkan Fahmy Ameer diikat jamin RM8,000 dengan seorang penjamin dan menetapkan 11 Februari depan untuk sebutan kes.
Terdahulu, Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Fadzillah Mohd Ossman daripada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia menawarkan jaminan sebanyak RM10,000 dengan seorang penjamin.
Bagaimanapun, peguam Shahrul Nizam Azwir merayu agar jumlah jaminan dikurangkan kepada RM5,000 kerana Fahmy Ameer tidak bekerja.
"Anak guam saya mempunyai seorang anak berumur lima tahun dan isterinya baru sahaja melahirkan anak kedua mereka.
"Isteri kepada anak guam saya juga tidak bekerja dan tertuduh hanya berharap kepada bapanya untuk menjadi penjamin," katanya.
Bapa tertuduh kemudian membayar wang jaminan itu. - Bernama
Masih berdegil
KUALA LUMPUR: Mengejutkan apabila hanya empat daripada 35 penumpang kereta didapati mematuhi arahan pemakaian tali pinggang keledar tempat duduk belakang walaupun sudah genap dua tahun peraturan mengenainya dikuatkuasakan kerajaan sejak 1 Januari 2009.
Tinjauan Metroplus baru-baru ini mendapati majoriti pengguna jalan raya masih tidak menghiraukan pemakaian tali pinggang keledar untuk penumpang belakang ketika di jalan raya seolah-olah mencabar undang-undang negara. Malah, tinjauan di sekitar Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman berhampiran pusat beli-belah Sogo mendapati kebanyakan pemandu masih lagi mengamalkan tabiat lama iaitu memandu tanpa mengenakan tali pinggang keledar. selain membawa lebih penumpang.
Ada juga yang masih berdegil dengan arahan pemasangan alat keselamatan berkenaan biarpun Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) mengeluarkan arahan agar pemilik kenderaan persendirian yang didaftarkan pada atau selepas 1 Januari 1995, diberikan tempoh pemasangan selama tiga tahun bermula dari tarikh berkenaan.
Eksekutif, Azwani Zam Abdul Rani, 35, berkata, tahap kesedaran pemandu negara ini mengenai perlunya pemakaian tali pinggang itu bagi tujuan keselamatan masih rendah dan tidak ramai mematuhinya, malah menganggap ia satu perkara remeh.
“Setiap hari, kita terdedah dengan kemalangan sewaktu berada di jalan raya. Ramai yang tidak menyedari risiko itu, sebab itu isu peraturan pemakaian tali pinggang belakang ini dipandang sepi kebanyakan pemandu.
“Mereka berbuat demikian jika terserempak anggota penguat kuasa bertugas atau pun sekatan jalan raya, jika tidak, peraturan ini seperti tidak diendahkan,” katanya.
Bagi arkitek, Siti Marsitah Rosly, 30, penguatkuasaan yang longgar menyebabkan orang ramai mengambil kesempatan untuk melanggar peraturan dan ia dapat dielakkan sekiranya pihak berkuasa mengenakan denda yang maksimum kepada pesalah lalu lintas terbabit.
“Persepsi ‘saman boleh bayar’ perlu diubah untuk memastikan segala peraturan yang dikuatkuasakan dipatuhi segenap lapisan masyarakat khususnya pemandu kenderaan kerana ia membabitkan keselamatan nyawa orang ramai. Hanya denda yang sesuai menyedarkan mereka betapa pentingnya menjaga aspek keselamatan di jalan raya,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Ketua Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Penguatkuasa JPJ Wilayah Persekutuan, Shamsuddin Sulaiman berkata, peraturan pemakaian tali pinggang keledar untuk penumpang belakang itu dikuatkuasakan di bawah Kaedah 4A, Akta Pengangkutan Jalan Kaedah-Kaedah Kereta Motor (tali pinggang keledar) pindaan 2008.
Katanya, pihaknya memantau dari semasa ke semasa kesalahan terbabit menerusi penguatkuasaan tidak khusus yang dijalankan bersama pelanggaran peraturan lain yang dilakukan pemandu kenderaan.
“Orang ramai perlu tahu bahawa peraturan ini masih berkuat kuasa, jadi tidak ada alasan mengatakan mereka tidak tahu bahawa pemakaian tali pinggang ini adalah diwajibkan,” katanya.
Shamsuddin berkata, pihaknya membenarkan pengecualian peraturan itu kepada beberapa jenis kenderaan dan keadaan seperti yang membawa barangan dengan muatan melebihi 3,500 kilogram.
“Selain itu, pengecualian juga diberikan kepada kenderaan yang melebihi lapan tempat duduk seperti van. Turut dikecualikan, mana-mana pemandu yang diakui dua pengamal perubatan berdaftar bahawa mereka mempunyai implikasi tertentu jika memakai tali pinggang.
Tinjauan Metroplus baru-baru ini mendapati majoriti pengguna jalan raya masih tidak menghiraukan pemakaian tali pinggang keledar untuk penumpang belakang ketika di jalan raya seolah-olah mencabar undang-undang negara. Malah, tinjauan di sekitar Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman berhampiran pusat beli-belah Sogo mendapati kebanyakan pemandu masih lagi mengamalkan tabiat lama iaitu memandu tanpa mengenakan tali pinggang keledar. selain membawa lebih penumpang.
Ada juga yang masih berdegil dengan arahan pemasangan alat keselamatan berkenaan biarpun Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) mengeluarkan arahan agar pemilik kenderaan persendirian yang didaftarkan pada atau selepas 1 Januari 1995, diberikan tempoh pemasangan selama tiga tahun bermula dari tarikh berkenaan.
Eksekutif, Azwani Zam Abdul Rani, 35, berkata, tahap kesedaran pemandu negara ini mengenai perlunya pemakaian tali pinggang itu bagi tujuan keselamatan masih rendah dan tidak ramai mematuhinya, malah menganggap ia satu perkara remeh.
“Setiap hari, kita terdedah dengan kemalangan sewaktu berada di jalan raya. Ramai yang tidak menyedari risiko itu, sebab itu isu peraturan pemakaian tali pinggang belakang ini dipandang sepi kebanyakan pemandu.
“Mereka berbuat demikian jika terserempak anggota penguat kuasa bertugas atau pun sekatan jalan raya, jika tidak, peraturan ini seperti tidak diendahkan,” katanya.
Bagi arkitek, Siti Marsitah Rosly, 30, penguatkuasaan yang longgar menyebabkan orang ramai mengambil kesempatan untuk melanggar peraturan dan ia dapat dielakkan sekiranya pihak berkuasa mengenakan denda yang maksimum kepada pesalah lalu lintas terbabit.
“Persepsi ‘saman boleh bayar’ perlu diubah untuk memastikan segala peraturan yang dikuatkuasakan dipatuhi segenap lapisan masyarakat khususnya pemandu kenderaan kerana ia membabitkan keselamatan nyawa orang ramai. Hanya denda yang sesuai menyedarkan mereka betapa pentingnya menjaga aspek keselamatan di jalan raya,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Ketua Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Penguatkuasa JPJ Wilayah Persekutuan, Shamsuddin Sulaiman berkata, peraturan pemakaian tali pinggang keledar untuk penumpang belakang itu dikuatkuasakan di bawah Kaedah 4A, Akta Pengangkutan Jalan Kaedah-Kaedah Kereta Motor (tali pinggang keledar) pindaan 2008.
Katanya, pihaknya memantau dari semasa ke semasa kesalahan terbabit menerusi penguatkuasaan tidak khusus yang dijalankan bersama pelanggaran peraturan lain yang dilakukan pemandu kenderaan.
“Orang ramai perlu tahu bahawa peraturan ini masih berkuat kuasa, jadi tidak ada alasan mengatakan mereka tidak tahu bahawa pemakaian tali pinggang ini adalah diwajibkan,” katanya.
Shamsuddin berkata, pihaknya membenarkan pengecualian peraturan itu kepada beberapa jenis kenderaan dan keadaan seperti yang membawa barangan dengan muatan melebihi 3,500 kilogram.
“Selain itu, pengecualian juga diberikan kepada kenderaan yang melebihi lapan tempat duduk seperti van. Turut dikecualikan, mana-mana pemandu yang diakui dua pengamal perubatan berdaftar bahawa mereka mempunyai implikasi tertentu jika memakai tali pinggang.
Bukan mudah tetapi tidak mustahil
DUNIA pendidikan baru kini melangkah era lebih mencabar apabila institusi pendidikan tinggi (IPT) negara menyasarkan matlamat melahirkan 60,000 rakyat Malaysia berkelayakan Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (PhD) menjelang 2023.Sasaran itu bukan saja menjadikan institusi pengajian tinggi gedung ilmu terulung malah memartabatkan dunia pendidikan negara ke peringkat global.
Bagaimanapun, mampukah matlamat itu dicapai atau adakah ia sekadar perancangan drastik bagi mencapai matlamat menjadi negara maju menjelang 2020? Dekan Institut Pengajian Siswazah Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Profesor Dr Ramlee Mustapha, berkata sasaran itu perlu dilihat dalam konteks positif bagi memberi keyakinan melaksanakannya.
Beliau berkata, elak daripada bersikap rendah diri atau kurang yakin kerana ia boleh membantut usaha membantu masyarakat menerima konsep pembaharuan dunia pendidikan.
"Masyarakat perlu akur, sistem pendidikan negara hari ini semakin kompleks dan memerlukan suntikan elemen baru bagi bersaing dengan institusi luar negara.
"Transformasi yang dilaksanakan menunjukkan kita bersedia meneroka dunia baru. Ia dibuat bukan sekadar suka-suka tapi selepas meneliti keperluan, kemampuan serta kehendak dunia pendidikan negara pada masa depan.
"Beri kepercayaan penuh kepada universiti dan kerajaan melaksanakan tanggungjawab itu. Ia bukan mudah tetapi tidak mustahil asalkan ada sokongan rakyat dan perancangan yang baik," katanya.
My Brain15 adalah sasaran Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT) untuk melahirkan sekurang-kurangnya 60,000 rakyat Malaysia berkelayakan PhD menjelang 2023.
Ia bertujuan menaikkan taraf profesionalisme universiti serta pensyarah dan melaksanakan perkongsian ilmu berkualiti tinggi dengan mahasiswa dalam melahirkan graduan kelas pertama.
Manakala takrifan PhD pula merujuk kepada penganugerahan Ijazah Penyelidikan Tertinggi kepada mahasiswa yang menamatkan sesuatu kajian pasca siswazah dengan tesis mengandungi kajian asli dalam bidang sains atau ilmu kemanusiaan. Beliau mengakui bukan mudah mencapai sasaran itu kerana membabitkan pelbagai peruntukan kewangan seperti peningkatan pembiayaan R&D, menarik profesor bertaraf dunia, penambahbaikkan prasarana, kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penyeliaan dan sebagainya.
Menurutnya, dibandingkan universiti negara luar, misalnya Finland, Amerika Syarikat dan United Kingdom, sistem pendidikan mereka mantap dan bertaraf dunia, justeru ia mampu memiliki 100 peratus pensyarah berkelayakan PhD.
"Kita masih jauh ketinggalan kerana kesemua universiti tempatan belum mencapai 100 peratus pensyarah PhD. Bagaimanapun, jangan terlalu membandingkan IPT negara ini dengan negara luar kerana kita masih dalam kategori negara membangun.
"Yang penting perlu ada komitmen yang kuat, perancangan jitu dan kerjasama mantap oleh semua pihak," katanya.
Katanya, dengan meletak matlamat dan sasaran Petunjuk Prestasi Utama Nasional (KPI), universiti tempatan berusaha melonjakkan potensi, profesionalisme serta kredibiliti masing-masing ke tahap lebih baik.
"Mereka akur perlu berdaya saing untuk mengkomersilkan hasil penyelidikan dan pembangunan pada masa yang tepat untuk memasuki pasaran sebagaimana disarankan Alvin Toffler mengenai "The Clash of Speed" iaitu siapa yang cepat dia akan menang dalam dunia globalisasi kini.
"Inilah paradigma yang boleh mencetuskan senario baru dalam sistem pendidikan negara. Bukan bermakna universiti tempatan selama ini tidak berkualiti tetapi kita memerlukan pemimpin intelek yang lebih agresif," katanya.
Beliau menafikan proses pensyarah mendapatkan 'Dr' mudah kerana ia memerlukan perancangan, kerajinan serta kekuatan mental dan fizikal.
"Disiplin tinggi penting kerana memperoleh PhD adalah satu proses yang ketat. Selain sumber kewangan besar, mereka juga perlu bersedia menjalankan penyelidikan berkualiti untuk melahirkan "ilmu" baru.
"Disebabkan ini bukan semua calon PhD mampu menamatkan pengajian dalam jangka masa ditetapkan.
"Jika mahu mencapai matlamat itu, usaha berganda perlu digembleng kerana masanya kian suntuk apatah lagi tempoh 2023 semakin hampir," katanya Ditanya adakah IPT negara bersedia bersaing dengan universiti luar, beliau berkata setiap institusi mempunyai pelan strategik dalam merangka setiap persediaan mengikut tempoh sasaran.
"Dari segi persaingan, semua institusi berkemampuan menunjukkan persaingan, membezakannya adalah pengalaman, kemampuan serta perancangan bagi mencapai sasaran itu.
"Untuk membangunkan sesebuah universiti hingga mampu menjadi terkenal, bukan mudah dan memerlukan tempoh masa panjang bagi memantapkan setiap program.
Universiti Harvard pun mengambil masa ratusan tahun untuk menjadi terkenal. "Tidak mustahil kita juga boleh melakukannya dengan syarat mesti mengkaji secara mendalam "rahsia" kejayaan mereka," katanya.
> Ijazah doktor falsafah pertama kali dianugerahkan oleh Universiti Paris pada 1150. Bagaimanapun, gelaran PhD yang diterima pada zaman ini sebagai ijazah tinggi kedoktoran bermula daripada amalan universiti di Jerman.
> Di Eropah moden, amalan penganugerahan dimulakan pada abad kesembilan oleh Friedrich Wilhelm University di Berlin. Seterusnya digunakan Yale University pada 1861 dan di United Kingdom pada 1917.
Bilangan pensyarah berkelayakan PhD di lima universiti penyelidikan negara.
1. Universiti Sains Malaysia - 1,311 orang
2. Universiti Malaya - 1,094 orang
3. Universiti Putra Malaysia - 1,055 orang
4. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia - 949 orang
5. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - 919 orang
Bilangan pensyarah berkelayakan PhD di beberapa institusi pengajian tinggi awam tempatan:
1. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia - 90 orang
2. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris - 228 orang
3. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia - 110 orang
4. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia - 151 orang
5. Universiti Utara Malaysia - 404 orang
Bagaimanapun, mampukah matlamat itu dicapai atau adakah ia sekadar perancangan drastik bagi mencapai matlamat menjadi negara maju menjelang 2020? Dekan Institut Pengajian Siswazah Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Profesor Dr Ramlee Mustapha, berkata sasaran itu perlu dilihat dalam konteks positif bagi memberi keyakinan melaksanakannya.
Beliau berkata, elak daripada bersikap rendah diri atau kurang yakin kerana ia boleh membantut usaha membantu masyarakat menerima konsep pembaharuan dunia pendidikan.
"Masyarakat perlu akur, sistem pendidikan negara hari ini semakin kompleks dan memerlukan suntikan elemen baru bagi bersaing dengan institusi luar negara.
"Transformasi yang dilaksanakan menunjukkan kita bersedia meneroka dunia baru. Ia dibuat bukan sekadar suka-suka tapi selepas meneliti keperluan, kemampuan serta kehendak dunia pendidikan negara pada masa depan.
"Beri kepercayaan penuh kepada universiti dan kerajaan melaksanakan tanggungjawab itu. Ia bukan mudah tetapi tidak mustahil asalkan ada sokongan rakyat dan perancangan yang baik," katanya.
My Brain15 adalah sasaran Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT) untuk melahirkan sekurang-kurangnya 60,000 rakyat Malaysia berkelayakan PhD menjelang 2023.
Ia bertujuan menaikkan taraf profesionalisme universiti serta pensyarah dan melaksanakan perkongsian ilmu berkualiti tinggi dengan mahasiswa dalam melahirkan graduan kelas pertama.
Manakala takrifan PhD pula merujuk kepada penganugerahan Ijazah Penyelidikan Tertinggi kepada mahasiswa yang menamatkan sesuatu kajian pasca siswazah dengan tesis mengandungi kajian asli dalam bidang sains atau ilmu kemanusiaan. Beliau mengakui bukan mudah mencapai sasaran itu kerana membabitkan pelbagai peruntukan kewangan seperti peningkatan pembiayaan R&D, menarik profesor bertaraf dunia, penambahbaikkan prasarana, kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran, penyeliaan dan sebagainya.
Menurutnya, dibandingkan universiti negara luar, misalnya Finland, Amerika Syarikat dan United Kingdom, sistem pendidikan mereka mantap dan bertaraf dunia, justeru ia mampu memiliki 100 peratus pensyarah berkelayakan PhD.
"Kita masih jauh ketinggalan kerana kesemua universiti tempatan belum mencapai 100 peratus pensyarah PhD. Bagaimanapun, jangan terlalu membandingkan IPT negara ini dengan negara luar kerana kita masih dalam kategori negara membangun.
"Yang penting perlu ada komitmen yang kuat, perancangan jitu dan kerjasama mantap oleh semua pihak," katanya.
Katanya, dengan meletak matlamat dan sasaran Petunjuk Prestasi Utama Nasional (KPI), universiti tempatan berusaha melonjakkan potensi, profesionalisme serta kredibiliti masing-masing ke tahap lebih baik.
"Mereka akur perlu berdaya saing untuk mengkomersilkan hasil penyelidikan dan pembangunan pada masa yang tepat untuk memasuki pasaran sebagaimana disarankan Alvin Toffler mengenai "The Clash of Speed" iaitu siapa yang cepat dia akan menang dalam dunia globalisasi kini.
"Inilah paradigma yang boleh mencetuskan senario baru dalam sistem pendidikan negara. Bukan bermakna universiti tempatan selama ini tidak berkualiti tetapi kita memerlukan pemimpin intelek yang lebih agresif," katanya.
Beliau menafikan proses pensyarah mendapatkan 'Dr' mudah kerana ia memerlukan perancangan, kerajinan serta kekuatan mental dan fizikal.
"Disiplin tinggi penting kerana memperoleh PhD adalah satu proses yang ketat. Selain sumber kewangan besar, mereka juga perlu bersedia menjalankan penyelidikan berkualiti untuk melahirkan "ilmu" baru.
"Disebabkan ini bukan semua calon PhD mampu menamatkan pengajian dalam jangka masa ditetapkan.
"Jika mahu mencapai matlamat itu, usaha berganda perlu digembleng kerana masanya kian suntuk apatah lagi tempoh 2023 semakin hampir," katanya Ditanya adakah IPT negara bersedia bersaing dengan universiti luar, beliau berkata setiap institusi mempunyai pelan strategik dalam merangka setiap persediaan mengikut tempoh sasaran.
"Dari segi persaingan, semua institusi berkemampuan menunjukkan persaingan, membezakannya adalah pengalaman, kemampuan serta perancangan bagi mencapai sasaran itu.
"Untuk membangunkan sesebuah universiti hingga mampu menjadi terkenal, bukan mudah dan memerlukan tempoh masa panjang bagi memantapkan setiap program.
Universiti Harvard pun mengambil masa ratusan tahun untuk menjadi terkenal. "Tidak mustahil kita juga boleh melakukannya dengan syarat mesti mengkaji secara mendalam "rahsia" kejayaan mereka," katanya.
> Ijazah doktor falsafah pertama kali dianugerahkan oleh Universiti Paris pada 1150. Bagaimanapun, gelaran PhD yang diterima pada zaman ini sebagai ijazah tinggi kedoktoran bermula daripada amalan universiti di Jerman.
> Di Eropah moden, amalan penganugerahan dimulakan pada abad kesembilan oleh Friedrich Wilhelm University di Berlin. Seterusnya digunakan Yale University pada 1861 dan di United Kingdom pada 1917.
Bilangan pensyarah berkelayakan PhD di lima universiti penyelidikan negara.
1. Universiti Sains Malaysia - 1,311 orang
2. Universiti Malaya - 1,094 orang
3. Universiti Putra Malaysia - 1,055 orang
4. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia - 949 orang
5. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - 919 orang
Bilangan pensyarah berkelayakan PhD di beberapa institusi pengajian tinggi awam tempatan:
1. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia - 90 orang
2. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris - 228 orang
3. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia - 110 orang
4. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia - 151 orang
5. Universiti Utara Malaysia - 404 orang
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Kapal AirAsia Terbabas
KUALA LUMPUR: Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuching yang ditutup sejak malam tadi selepas pesawat AirAsia terbabas ketika mendarat, dijangka terus ditutup untuk semua penerbangan sehingga diberitahu kelak.
Malaysia Airports Berhad (MAB) memberitahu Bernama sebanyak 24 penerbangan
terjejas setakat 11 pagi ini.
Hanya satu penerbangan dibenarkan berlepas dari lapangan terbang itu pada jam 7.30 pagi ini iaitu MH2505 ke Kuala Lumpur, kata MAB.
Penerbangan lain yang terjejas termasuk 11 membabitkan AirAsia, lapan Penerbangan Malaysia dan lima penerbangan MASWings.
Penumpang yang berkenaan dinasihatkan agar menghubungi syarikat penerbangan
masing-masing bagi mengetahui perkembangan lanjut mengenai perkara itu.
MAB berkata dalam kejadian jam 10.02 malam itu, penerbangan AK5218 yang berlepas dari Terminal Penerbangan Tambang Murah (LCCT) Kuala Lumpur terbabas dari landasan ketika mendarat dalam keadaan hujan lebat.
Usaha mengalihkan pesawat itu sedang dilakukan namun berdepan kesukaran
berikutan keadaan hujan lebat yang melanda sejak semalam, kata MAB.
Sementara itu Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha memberitahu
pemberita hari ini, pesawat itu membawa 124 penumpang dan enam anak kapal.
Empat penumpang mengalami cedera ringan dan dirawat di hospital di Kuching,
katanya ketika ditemui selepas merasmikan Persidangan Maritim Kebangsaan di
sini. - Bernama
Saturday, January 8, 2011
ILO global employment trends 2010 — unemployment reaches highest level on record in 2009
MANILA (ILO News) – The number of jobless worldwide reached nearly 212 million in 2009 following an unprecedented increase of 34 million compared to 2007, on the eve of the global crisis, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said in its annual Global Employment Trends report — [pdf 11603 KB]. Based on IMF economic forecasts, the ILO estimates that global unemployment is likely to remain high through 2010.
The South-East Asia and the Pacific region, which includes the Philippines, has a number of economies that are highly dependent upon foreign trade and investment flows. Accordingly, among the Asian regions, it has been the hardest hit by the crisis in terms of reduced economic growth.
“In the Philippines, the unemployment rate in 2009 only increased slightly to 7.5 per cent. However, it could have been worse without stimulus measures taken by the government, workers and employers,” said Ms Linda Wirth of ILO Manila. “The report warns us of a W-shaped recovery. It is possible for the economy and employment to grow but the rate of growth is likely to slow or dip, so it is crucial to have job protection policies in place,” added Ms Wirth.
The report says that coordinated stimulus measures have averted a far greater social and economic catastrophe; yet millions of women and men around the world are still without a job, unemployment benefits or any viable form of social protection.
The number of workers in vulnerable employment in the South-East Asia Pacific region is estimated to have increased by up to 5 million since 2008. The regional unemployment rate rose by 5.6 per cent in 2009, and is expected to remain steady in 2010. More than half of all workers in South-East Asia and the Pacific live on less than USD 2 a day, with around a quarter living on less than USD 1.25 a day.
“The issue is not just open unemployment but vulnerable employment, underemployment and a rise in the number of working poor as income shrink. We see workers living on the margin and at risk of falling further into poverty. Many workers who have lost their jobs in export-oriented industries cannot afford to remain unemployed and instead will take any form of employment in the informal sector to have some income, perhaps in farming or street vending,” said Ms Wirth.
The ILO report says that it is urgent to establish wide coverage of basic social protection schemes to cushion the poor against the devastating effects of sharp fluctuations in economic activity.
The ILO also warned that the number of unemployed youth worldwide increased by 10.2 million in 2009 compared to 2007, the largest hike since 1991. In South-East Asia and the Pacific region, young people remain far more likely than adults to be unemployed, with the region’s youth unemployment rate reaching 15.3 per cent in 2009, versus a rate of only 3.4 per cent for adults. Young workers already faced substantial difficulties accessing decent and productive jobs prior to the economic crisis and the situation for youth has worsened as a result of the economic downturn.
Other key findings in the Global Employment Trends, January 2010 — [pdf 11603 KB]:
- The global unemployment rate rose to 6.6 percent in 2009, an increase of 0.9 percentage points over 2007. However, it varied widely by region, ranging from 4.4 per cent in East Asia to more than 10 per cent in Central and South-Eastern Europe (non-EU) and Commonwealth of Independent States (CSEE & CIS) as well as in North Africa;
- The global youth unemployment rate rose by 1.6 percentage points to reach 13.4 per cent in 2009 relative to 2007. This represents the largest increase since at least 1991, the earliest year for which global estimates are available;
- The overall impact of the economic crisis on women and men is far more important than the differences in impact between these groups;
- Preliminary estimates of growth in labour productivity, measured as output per worker, indicate that productivity levels fell in all regions except East Asia, South Asia and North Africa. The largest decline in output per worker occurred in Central and South-Eastern Europe (non- EU) & CIS, - 4.7 per cent, thus reversing part of the gains that were made in the first half of the decade; and
- As a result of declining output per worker, working conditions are deteriorating especially in regions where labour productivity was already low preceding the economic crisis, such as in Sub-Saharan Africa.
To address these issues, the ILO constituents (governments, workers and employers) which represent the “real economy” have agreed on a Global Jobs Pact in June 2009 that contains a balanced set of tried and tested measures to promote a robust response to the employment challenge. These focus on accelerated employment generation, sustainable social protection systems, respect for labour standards, and strengthening social dialogue. The Pact has received strong backing from the G20 heads of state and from the UN General Assembly. Rethinking financial and economic policies, with respect to their impact on employment and social protection is essential because we will not get out of the crisis by applying the same policies that led to the crisis in the first place.
The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) is a United Kingdom-based professional body offering training and qualification in management accountancy and related subjects, focused on accounting for business; together with ongoing support for members.
CIMA is one of a number of professional associations for accountants in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Its particular emphasis is on developing themanagement accounting profession within the UK and worldwide. CIMA is the largest management accounting body in the world, with more than 172,000 members and students in over 165 countries.[1]
CIMA is a member of the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies and the International Federation of Accountants.
CIMA was founded in 1919 as "The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants" (ICWA). It specialised in the development of accounting techniques for use in the internal control of manufacturing, service and public sector operations. It developed a position as the leading professional body in the areas of product costing, budgeting, management accounting, investment appraisal and business decision making.
The institute changed its name from ICWA to the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (ICMA) in 1972 and subsequently to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) in 1986, after the granting of a Royal Charter. A global Accounting qualification based in the UK, which is particularly active in Commonwealth countries. Its membership has grown from 15,000 in 1970 to 79,757 members and 92,909 students in 2009[3]. It has played a role in founding fraternal professional bodies such as the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan,The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of BangladeshInstitute of Cost and Works Accountants of India and the Institute of Management Accountants (USA).
CIMA operates a Masters degree standard scheme of fifteen qualifying examinations for prospective members. It is active in promoting local education, training and management development operations, the promotion of new techniques through its research foundation and the dissemination of management accounting practices through publications and other media related activities. CIMA has been active in recent educational and vocational initiatives in former Eastern bloc countries. It publishes a monthly journal, supplied free to members and registered students, called 'Financial Management' ('Management Accounting' prior to 1998). CIMA also publishes a quarterly journal called 'Management Accounting Research', mainly for an academic readership.
CIMA is recognised as a professional accounting body for various statutory purposes by UK and various overseas governments. The institute regulates the activities of its members by a code of practice, a discipline committee and (a recent innovation) a continuing education scheme.
CIMA's governing body is its council, comprising members elected from regional branches. Each of the branches has a committee and is responsible for much of the 'grass roots' activity. Activity such as qualification development is undertaken from the London head office. The London office is also the location for the annual UK Final of the Global Management Challenge, a strategic management competition for university students, which CIMA sponsors.
In July 2009 CIMA added an online community - CIMAsphere - to its website. The community consists of a range of blogs, discussion boards, groups, community answers, expert Q&A sessions and some social networking features for members, students and also the general audience.
CIMA has two grades of full membership:
- Associate - designated by the letters ACMA
- Fellow - designated by the letters FCMA
To be admitted as an associate a candidate must have:
- completed a period of qualifying practice of at least three years, documented and signed by appropriate witnesses
- passed the institute's 15 qualifying examinations
- been proposed and seconded for membership by two individuals who have direct experience of the candidate's work experience but who do not need to be members of CIMA or even accountants.
To become a Fellow a candidate ACMA must, in addition, have appropriate experience at a senior level.
In the past, CIMA has offered forms of association which do not amount to full membership, for example an "Affiliate" membership class was promoted in the 1970s.
[edit]Strategic alliances
CIMA members have access to a number of strategic alliances, including:
- An accelerated route to Associateship of the Association of Corporate Treasurers[4]
- A mutual recognition agreement with the Society of Management Accountants of Canada[5]
- A mutual recognition agreement with CPA Australia[6]
- A strategic alliance with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia[7]
- On 26 September 2006, CIMA announced a joint qualification program with the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants[8]
- MOU with Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India
- Strategic Alliance with the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMAP)
In recent years, CIMA has been party to merger talks with other professional accounting bodies including the ICAEW in 1995 and again in 2005.
Malaysia GDP Growth Rate
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Malaysia expanded at an annual rate of 2.40 percent in the second quarter of 2010 from the previous quarter. From 2000 until 2010, Malaysia's average quarterly GDP Growth was 1.18 percent reaching an historical high of 5.70 percent in September of 2009 and a record low of -7.80 percent in March of 2009. Malaysia is a rapidly developing economy in Asia. Malaysia, a middle-income country, has transformed itself since the 1970s from a producer of raw materials into an emerging multi-sector economy. The Government of Malaysia is continuing efforts to boost domestic demand to wean the economy off of its dependence on exports. Nevertheless, exports - particularly of electronics - remain a significant driver of the economy. This page includes: Malaysia GDP Growth Rate chart, historical data and news.
Country: Malaysia
Interest rate: 2.75%
Growth Rate: 2.4%
Inflation Rate: 1.9%
Jobless Rate: 3.9%
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What is Islamic Economics ?
Islamic economics refers to the body of Islamic studies literature that "identifies and promotes an economic order that conforms to Islamic scripture and traditions," and in the economic world an interest-free Islamic banking system, grounded in Sharia's condemnation of interest (Riba). The literature originated in "the late 1940s, and especially" after "the mid-1960s." The banking system developed during the 1970s. Islamic economic literatures' central features have been called "behavioral norms" derived from the Quran and Sunna, zakat tax as the basis of Islamic fiscal policy and prohibition of interest.
While the outside world hardly noticed, a significant and rapidly growing amount of money is now being managed in accord with Islamic law, the Shari'a. According to one study, "by the end of 2005, more than 300 institutions in over 65 jurisdictions were managing assets worth around US$700 billion to US$1 trillion in a Shari'ah-compatible manner."
Traditional Islamic concepts having to do with economics included
- zakat - the "taxing of certain goods, such as harvest, with an eye to allocating these taxes to expenditures that are also explicitly defined, such as aid to the needy."
- Gharar - "the interdiction of chance ... that is, of the presence of any element of uncertainty, in a contract (which excludes not only insurance but also the lending of money without participation in the risks)"
- Riba - "referred to as usury (modern Islamic economist have consensus that it does not refer to usury only rather Riba is any kind of interest)" The Quran (3: 130) clearly condemns what it calls by the Arabic term "riba," usually translated "interest": "O, you who believe! Devour not riba, doubled and redoubled, and be careful of Allah; haply so you will prosper."
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
DPM announces new IIUM campus in Johor - Friday September 24, 2010
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Another campus: Muhyiddin announcing the new IIUM campus in Pagoh, Johor, at the university’s open house in Gombak Thursday. – M. AZHAR ARIF/The Star |
The university’s main campus is in Gombak, while it has two branches in Kuantan and Kuala Lumpur.
Muhyiddin, who is also the Education Minister, said the Government would support the move as the university had become an internationally renowned institution of higher learning.
“To me, I see no reason why IIUM cannot spread its wings to another state. I am therefore pleased to note that IIUM will soon be opening up another campus in my constituency, Pagoh,” he said.
Muhyiddin said he hoped the new campus will start its courses by 2012, adding that efforts were being made to set up a Pagoh Educational Hub, in which IIUM would be an integral partner in the initiative.
The university would also look into offering engineering courses’
It was learnt that IIUM’s Faculty of Modern Languages and Faculty of Agriculture are considering offering courses at the new campus.
Muhyiddin later met the university’s student leaders and handed out Hari Raya donations to 40 orphans from Asrama Damai Anak Yatim from Kuang, Selangor.
IIUM has about 22,000 students, of which 4,600 are international students from 90 countries.
IIUM recently attained the Tier 5 or “Excellent” status in the 2009 Malaysian Qualification Agency’s Rating System for Malaysian Education Institutions exercise.
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 1 (Bernama) -- All 22 players in the national team that won the AFF Suzuki Cup will receive cash incentives from the Youth and Sports Ministry and Sportswriters Association of Malaysia''s (SAM) AFF Suzuki Cup Fund.
Deputy Youth and Sports minister Datuk Razali Ibrahim said apart from the RM5,000 to be awarded, players would also receive incentives from the fund collected by SAM that is said to have reached RM90,000.
"The funds collected by SAM will be given to players directly and I feel the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) will also give them incentives for the win," he told reporters after launching the Semarak 1Belia 1Malaysia Carnival at the Youth and Sports Complex in Kampung Pandan here today.
Speaking of claims that the use of "Harimau Malaya" to refer to the national team, had been questioned by some, Razali said the matter would be studied.
"We will take into consideration, the views expressed by some because the "Harimau Malaya" slogan had been used for a long time and has a history to it," he said.
Youths in Sabah had expressed concern with the use of "Harimau Malaya" since it did not include Sabah and Sarawak.
We do not want anyone to turn the issue into a political issue that may become sensitive, he said.
The incentives were for the national team that beat Indonesia 4-2 on aggregate to win the AFF Suzuki Cup for the first time in 14 years.
Meanwhile, Razali said the ministry was confident of gathering one million youths from all over the country for the National Youth Day celebrations on May 15, at Putrajaya.
"Last year we managed to gather 250,000 youths for the three-day celebrations and it will not be impossible to gather the targetted number this year," he said.
Deputy Youth and Sports minister Datuk Razali Ibrahim said apart from the RM5,000 to be awarded, players would also receive incentives from the fund collected by SAM that is said to have reached RM90,000.
"The funds collected by SAM will be given to players directly and I feel the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) will also give them incentives for the win," he told reporters after launching the Semarak 1Belia 1Malaysia Carnival at the Youth and Sports Complex in Kampung Pandan here today.
Speaking of claims that the use of "Harimau Malaya" to refer to the national team, had been questioned by some, Razali said the matter would be studied.
"We will take into consideration, the views expressed by some because the "Harimau Malaya" slogan had been used for a long time and has a history to it," he said.
Youths in Sabah had expressed concern with the use of "Harimau Malaya" since it did not include Sabah and Sarawak.
We do not want anyone to turn the issue into a political issue that may become sensitive, he said.
The incentives were for the national team that beat Indonesia 4-2 on aggregate to win the AFF Suzuki Cup for the first time in 14 years.
Meanwhile, Razali said the ministry was confident of gathering one million youths from all over the country for the National Youth Day celebrations on May 15, at Putrajaya.
"Last year we managed to gather 250,000 youths for the three-day celebrations and it will not be impossible to gather the targetted number this year," he said.
Do You Know Malaysia?
NASI Kandar, a dish unique to Malaysia and brought by the imgrating Indian Muslims, is the favourite food of many Malaysians. The best is in Penang and everyone has their favourite dishes. Among the top ranked outlets are the Kampong Melayu Flats in Air Hitam, Line Clear in Penang Road and opposite the market in Jelutung.
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