Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS) seeks to prepare students with the necessary knowledge and Islamic values to face the increasingly challenging world. It offers students the unique opportunity of integrating conventional knowledge with Islamic knowledge in all fields of studies. Established in 1983, the Kulliyyah is now well recognized, having faculty members of eminence in various specializations. It is also equipped with state-of-art facilities to promote teaching and learning process. Currently, there are three departments offering various programs, namely the Department of Economics, the Department of Accounting and the Department of Business Administration.
The KENMS, established together with the IIUM on 16th July1983, has played a leading role in developing and promoting Islamic economics, accounting, banking and finance in the theoretical, applied and educative dimensions through the contributions of its academic staff, students/graduates as well as formal and informal programs. Despite the rapid pace of expansion in terms of programs and students, the core objective of providing education based with the ultimate aim of producing graduates who are both professionally competent and imbued the right knowledge and values, has, and continues to guide the KENMS. The number and quality of staff, students/graduates as well as programs/events organized over the last 20 years are both sources of satisfaction of the achievements thus far, and the incentive to work even harder to face the future challenges in the decades to come.